Who's Involved?

True Sport is made up of people like you: athletes, coaches, officials, parents, and community leaders who want sport in Canada to be a positive, enriching experience for everyone who participates.

Below are our ten most recent members. Refine your search in the right pane or using the map below to locate groups in your area or in your sport.

Type Organization Namesort ascending City Province Sport
Ally Boys and Girls Clubs of Winnipeg Michelle Schmidt Winnipeg MB Other
Ally Northeastern Ontario Recreation Association Michelle Cundari Temiskaming Shores ON Multisport
Ally Edmonton Garrison Community & Recreation Association Michelle Reeder Edmonton AB Multisport
Ally Schreiber Parks and Recreation Committee Michele Godin Schreiber ON Multisport
Ally Admaston Recreation Committee Micheal Wright Renfrew ON Multisport
Ally Michaela Haley Ottawa ON
Ally Big Brothers Big Sisters of Morden-Winkler Michael Penner Winkler MB Taekwondo
Ally Collingwood Neighborhood House Michael McLenaghen Vancouver BC Other
Ally ITSportsNet Michael Muise Calgary AB Other
Ally Philosophy Sports Michael Picard, PhD Coquitlam BC

Who's Involved?