This collection of research considers many facets of the Canadian sport landscape, with a focus on values-based sport. It provides evidence to support True Sport as an approach to values-based sport and the wealth of associated benefits.

The Power of Sport: True Sport Report 2022
A research report that confirms good sport can deliver benefits for all Canadians!

True Sport Principles in Action infographics
A series of infographics that share research findings on what the True Sport Principles look, feel and sound like in action.

What Sport Can Do: The True Sport Report 2008
A research report that provides evidence that good community sport experiences can deliver a spectrum social benefits beyond health and wellness.

The Ride Home
A series of research articles that can help you have a better ride home because your words have an impact on your child’s sport experience.

Project SCORE
Researcher-developed resources for coaches, athletes, and parents to teach positive development through sport.

Safe Sport: Critical Issues and Practices
A textbook that provides insight and commentary from academic and sector experts about maximizing the impact of the safe sport movement.

The Values Proposition: Building a Stronger Canada Through Values-Based Sport
A report that provides a summary of the state of values-based sport in Canada.