True Sport Principles in Action
The True Sport Principles in Action infographics illustrate research findings from focus groups held with True Sport Champions. The focus groups explored the question, “What do the True Sport Principles look, feel and sound like?”
The focus groups were part of a research project designed to explore how the True Sport Principles come to life in sport participation. Participants discussed many components of a “True Sport experience” such as:
- How the True Sport Principles are adopted in the communities where they live, work and play,
- What it looks, feels and sounds like when someone is ‘living’ the True Sport Principles, and
- The typical behaviours and markers that indicate a participant has learned, and is practicing, the True Sport Principles.
Using this information, each True Sport Principles in Action infographic provides:
- A summary of behaviours for someone who lives the principle, and
- Examples of how people and environments can exemplify the principle.
Behavioural indicators of True Sport were identified through focus groups conducted by Jordan Herbison, Ph.D. Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Queen’s University, for his research True Sport Principles in Action: The ‘look, feel, and sound’ of True Sport, 2020.
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