Power of Sport: The True Sport Report
A major research report confirms that good sport, driven by positive values, has the power to deliver wide-ranging benefits for all Canadians!
Power of Sport: The True Sport Report 2022 builds on the ground-breaking 2008 research paper, What Sport Can Do: The True Sport Report. The 2022 report includes new research on the impacts of sport on children with disabilities, LGBTQ+ inclusion, experiences of racialized and Indigenous peoples, and the impact of climate change on sport. It also considers the consequences of COVID-19 and the opportunities to build back community sport stronger than ever.
The report’s authors at E-Alliance found that community sport generates social capital, creating benefits across a broad spectrum of societal priorities including child and youth development, crime prevention, environmental sustainability, economic development, and social inclusion for all Canadians.
Power of Sport: The True Sport Report 2022 includes updated public opinion research that reconfirms what Canadians have told us: that sport experiences should be fun, fair, inclusive and committed to excellence.
The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport commissioned the report to help communities, policy makers, and business leaders recognize the tremendous potential that lies within our community sport system and to inspire new approaches to put this potential to work for all Canadians.
At the heart of this report is the same idea that lies at the heart of True Sport — good sport can make a great difference.