True Sport Members in Manitoba

True Sport is a growing social movement made up of people like you: athletes, coaches, officials, parents, and community leaders who want sport in Canada to be a positive, enriching experience for everyone who participates.

Below are our ten most recent members. Refine your search further with the filters below.

Member Groups

True Sport members are grouped into nine member types to ensure their diverse needs are taken into account. TSLHM includes members from the following True Sport member groups:

Coaches Schools Officials
Communities Citizens Facilities
Sport Organizations Teams Allies

Search and Filter

Type Organization Name Citysort descending Sport
Team Vincent Massey Football Team Kevin Grindey Brandon Football
Sport Organization JKA-IKD Brandon and area Wendy Flannigan Brandon Karaté
Citizen Emmanuel Turner Brandon Softball/Fastball
Sport Organization Murray Chrysler Pee Wee Penguins Nonny Cancade Brandon Hockey - ice
Citizen Jayme Menzies Brandon
Team U15 Cats Gold Volleyball Club Nonny Brandon
Sport Organization Westman Softball Association Brett Turner Brandon
Community Town of Churchill Rebecca Allen Churchill Multisport
Community City of Brandon Perry Roque City of Brandon Multisport
Team Parkland Youth Football Nathan Thacker Dauphin Football
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