Who's Involved?

True Sport is made up of people like you: athletes, coaches, officials, parents, and community leaders who want sport in Canada to be a positive, enriching experience for everyone who participates.

Below are our ten most recent members. Refine your search in the right pane or using the map below to locate groups in your area or in your sport.

Type Organization Name City Province Sport
Sport Organization Maison des Jeunes l'Escalier David Lefebvre Lachine QC Other
Sport Organization UNB Red Sticks Indoor Field Hockey League Kathryn Caiger Fredericton NB Hockey - field
Ally Team Ottawa-Orléans Chris Fraser Orléans ON Other
Sport Organization Saskatchewan Volleyball Association Jason Grieve Regina SK Volleyball
Ally West End Community Centre Association Silvia Laforges Vanccouver BC Other
School Séminaire de Chicoutimi Dave McMullen Chicoutimi QC Multisport
Ally Leisure and Parks Services (City of Coquitlam) Harp Sohi Coquitlam BC Multisport
Sport Organization Club Basketball St-Leonard Beverley Jacques st leonard QC Basketball
Citizen Kim Tilley Orillia ON Other
Ally Dovercourt Recreation Association John Rapp Ottawa ON Multisport

Who's Involved?