Samantha Burelle

Image of Samantha Burelle

Pronouns: she/her

Residence: Ottawa, ON

Champion since: 2024

Occupation: PhD candidate at York University, with a focus on safety in sport, risk/risk-taking, sport policy, and sport psychology. 

Current involvement in sport: Passionate sport researcher, sport administrator, and sport participant in swimming and rugby. 

Why True Sport: Ensuring positive sport experiences that are safe, welcoming, and inclusive can seem like a big feat, but these values can be integrated without losing sight of the FUN. I think that is so important, but unfortunately often forgotten! My personal goal is to make sure that all those who participate in sport love the experience as much as I did. I firmly believe that the True Sport Principles are transparent, inclusive, and can be incorporated by everyone involved in sport, whether it be athletes, first-time volunteer officials, or experienced coaches.