Who's Involved?
True Sport is made up of people like you: athletes, coaches, officials, parents, and community leaders who want sport in Canada to be a positive, enriching experience for everyone who participates.
Below are our ten most recent members. Refine your search in the right pane or using the map below to locate groups in your area or in your sport.
Type | Organization | Name | City | Province | Sport |
Ally | Ray-Cam Co-operative Centre | Linda De Ciantis | Vancouver | BC | Other |
Sport Organization | Association de Soccer Sub-ouest de Montréal | Nicole Campeau | Montral | QC | Soccer |
Team | Laval Devils | Michel Cliche | Laval | QC | Football |
Sport Organization | Manitoba Gymnastics Association | Kathy Stoesz | Winnipeg | MB | Gymnastics |
Sport Organization | Gloucester Hornets | Jackie DiNardo | Ottawa | ON | Soccer |
School | École Rose des Vents | Marc Hurtubise | Cornwall | ON | Multisport |
Facility | University of Calgary, Olympic Oval | Sharon deBoer | Calgary | AB | Multisport |
Team | Cumberland Grads | Mark Grady | Navan | ON | Hockey - ice |
Sport Organization | Gymnastics Saskatchewan Inc. | Klara Miller | Regina | SK | Gymnastics |
School | Pavillon Wilbrod-Dufour | Audrey Dallaire | Alma | QC | Multisport |