True Sport Spotlight: Coach Profile - Danielle Cyr
In honour of National Coaches Week, we are putting the Spotlight on coaches from across Canada who are living the True Sport Principles.
Danielle Cyr is a soccer coach at Mount Saint Vincent University “Both of my parents are teachers, and my dad was a staple in I think it was something that came kind of natural to me – I just “I love sport and I love to give back to the sport community that |
Danielle first learned about True Sport as a university student, and now 10 years later, they implement the True Sport Principles at MSVU as a coach.
“True Sport helps us create an environment where everyone feels safe, valued and heard at MSVU. Even though we’re in a performance environment we recognize soccer is much more than the x’s and o’s and winning. We take pride in giving back to our community and sharing a positive sport experience with as many people as we can,” said Danielle. “When I think back to being that young university athlete, I believe True Sport gave me the confidence and support to live my values and stand up for good sport.”
They chose to commit to True Sport because they truly believe that good sport can make a great difference. “Sport has the power to change lives and communities for the better but only when we’re intentional with our approach. True Sport provides that common language that is needed to be intentional and get everyone on the same page,” said Danielle.
Danielle advises coaches starting their True Sport journey to make the experience their own, and to know there is an entire community that believes in and supports values-based sport. “There is strength in numbers and I think the more people that step up and commit to the True Sport Principles the better, collectively we can change our Canadian sport system for the better. We can make sure we’re leveraging all of the benefits of sport no matter what level we participate at.”