Bryan Merrett

Bryan Merrett

Residence: Ottawa, ON

Champion since: 2010

Occupation: Executive Director, Badminton Canada

Current Involvement in Sport: Soccer and hockey

Why True Sport: Sport can help members of our community connect and grow… if it’s done right and not left unchecked. It can teach skills that are useful in everyday life for all ages, such as how to respect others, how to work towards a goal, how to push yourself to be better at something and, most of all, how to connect with the broader community and have fun. For this to happen the ground needs to be supportive, caring, challenging and safe – the conditions required for positive sport experiences to grow must be designed with purpose. Building an experience based on a core set of values and principles helps focus participants on a process that is lived every day, rather than a desired outcome (like a championship title). True Sport is that purposeful approach to sport. True Sport is the voice and beacon which is simple and clear, offering sport participants a supportive message to build strong communities.