Jill Brothers

Photo of Jill Brothers

Pronouns: she/her

Residence: Bedford, Nova Scotia

Champion since: 2024

Occupation: Technical Director, Nova Scotia Curling

Current Involvement in Sport: I work with Nova Scotia Curling at the grassroots level, curling coaches at all levels, and compete at a national level representing Nova Scotia at the Scotties Tournament of Hearts. like?”

Why True Sport: I was fortunate to grow up with a very safe and supportive curling community around me. However, when I dove into my new career in sport, I was asked a lot of questions about Safe Sport. I approached fellow Nova Scotian and True Sport Champion Elana Liberman about how to help these coaches and clubs. She pointed me in the direction of True Sport to support coaches and facilities with an upstream approach. When I started to dig into all the information it just made sense and it was so easy to understand. I have since shared the True Sport values and principles with countless clubs, coaches, and athletes. All kids should be able to curl and grow up feeling safe and supported just like I was.