

By committing to the True Sport Principles, you and/or your group (school, team, club or community) join a growing movement of Canadians who believe that sport has the power to instill character in our kids, strengthen communities and increase opportunities for excellence. 

Why sign your name?

To tell your teammates, your opponents, and yourself that good sport can make a great difference. On the rink, in the pool, on the track—everywhere.

Why get your organization, league or community involved?

To spark a conversation about why you come together to play, train and compete. To agree on what you want to strive for and how. To identify with others holding similar values.

Why show off your True Sport colours?

Because creating a fair, safe and open environment where good sport can grow stronger, brings out the best in people and communities. Because standing up for the True Sport Principles is something to be proud of.

After joining True Sport, download the True Sport declaration certificate, sign it and hang it in a prominent place for all to see. 

Declare Now!

Personne-ressource principale
Si votre sport n'apparaît pas dans la liste ci-dessus, veuillez sélectionner [Autre] et ajouter votre sport dans le champ [Commentaires].
Permission de communiquer avec vous

*En raison de la Loi canadienne anti-pourriel, nous ne pouvons communiquer avec vous et vous tenir au courant des dernières ressources, activités et initiatives que si vous cliquez sur « oui ». Vous pourrez vous désabonner en tout temps.

Adresse postal
Coordonnées du groupe