Qui est Impliqué?
Sport pur constitué de gens comme vous : athlètes, entraîneurs, officiels, parents et leaders au sein de la collectivité, qui veulent que le sport au Canada soit une expérience positive et enrichissante pour toute personne qui le pratique.
Type | Organization | Name | City | Province | Sport |
Installation sportive | Welland International Flatwater Centre (WIFC) | Stephen Fischer | Welland | ON | Multisports |
Installation sportive | Chippewas of the Thames First Nation Youth Drop-In Centre | Jim Deleary | Muncey | ON | Autre |
Installation sportive | East St. Paul Community Complex | Minache Samaroo | East St. Paul | MB | Autre |
Installation sportive | Duffins Creek Health Centre | Frances deGraauw | Pickering | ON | Multisports |
Installation sportive | Ruth Inch Memorial Pool | Johanna Elliot | Yellowknife | NT | Sauver des vies |
Installation sportive | HGMH community pool | susan derby | alexandria | ON | Multisports |
Installation sportive | Prince Edward County Skatepark Inc. | Sami Lester | Picton | ON | Multisports |
Installation sportive | Redvers & District Recreation Board | Melissa Toms | Redvers | SK | Multisports |
Installation sportive | Outdoor Ice Oval Society of Prince George | Anne Pousette | Prince George | BC | Speed Skating |
Installation sportive | Baxter Ward Community Centre | Kevin Datema | Port Severn | ON | Autre |