Who's Involved?

True Sport is made up of people like you: athletes, coaches, officials, parents, and community leaders who want sport in Canada to be a positive, enriching experience for everyone who participates.

Below are our ten most recent members. Refine your search in the right pane or using the map below to locate groups in your area or in your sport.

Type Organization Namesort ascending City Province Sport
Community Edge Up Diana Quinn Maple ON Hockey - ice
Sport Organization Fallsview Figure Skating Club Diana Tatic Bishop's Falls NL Figure skating
Sport Organization Olympia Gymnastics Dezso Mesko ottawa ON Gymnastics
Coach Devyn Kingsley Prescott ON Gymnastics
Official Elite Zebras Referee Association Devin Wentzell Fort McMurray AB Hockey - ice
Athlete Destiny Christensen Maple ridge BC Gymnastics
Sport Organization Desmond Ram Scarborough ON
Sport Organization Toronto Speed Skating Club Desmond Preudhomme Toronto ON Speed Skating
Ally Fairhaven Community Association Desiree Carter Saskatoon SK Other
Citizen Derrick McKay Courtice ON Triathlon

Who's Involved?