Who's Involved?

True Sport is made up of people like you: athletes, coaches, officials, parents, and community leaders who want sport in Canada to be a positive, enriching experience for everyone who participates.

Below are our ten most recent members. Refine your search in the right pane or using the map below to locate groups in your area or in your sport.

Typesort ascending Organization Name City Province Sport
Ally Essential Balance- Nutrition Jo-Ann Chartrand Ottawa ON Multisport
Ally Their Opportunity Randy Gill Oshawa ON
Ally Albion Heatherington Community Bryce Armstrong Ottawa ON Multisport
Ally PARADIGM Sports, Inc. Glen Mulcahy Delta BC Multisport
Ally CFB Petawawa Community Recreation Trish Burke Petawawa ON Other
Ally Lifesaving Sauvetage Canada Patricia Kitchen Ottawa CA Swimming
Ally Greater Geary Association Inc. Trevor Hanson French Lake NB Multisport
Ally Paige Wilkinson n/a ON Multisport
Ally Pic River Youth Center Jackie Fitzpatrick Pic River ON Other
Ally Kids Power Hour Beatrice Peckford Phillip's Head NL Other

Who's Involved?